Five Things to Do Before You Sell

Get estimates from a reliable repairperson on items that need to be replaced soon, a roof or worn carpeting, for example. In this way, buyers will have a better sense of how much these needed repairs will affect their costs. Have a termite inspection to prove to...

Understanding Agency

It’s important to understand what legal responsibilities your real estate salesperson has to you and to other parties in the transactions. Ask your salesperson to explain what type of agency relationship you have with him or her and with the brokerage company. ...

Tips for Packing Like a Pro

Develop a master “to do” list so you won’t forget something critical. Sort and get rid of things you no longer want or need. Have a garage sale, donate to a charity, or recycle. Don’t throw out everything. If your inclination is to just toss it, ask yourself...

What to Keep from Your Closing

The Real Estate Settlement Procedures Act (RESPA) statement. This form, sometimes called a HUD 1 statement, itemizes all the costs associated with the closing. You’ll need for income tax purposes and when you sell the home. The Truth in Lending Statement...

Common Closing Costs for Buyers

The lender must disclose a good faith estimate of all settlement costs. A check to cover your closing costs will probably have to be a cashier’s check. The title company or other entity conducting the closing will tell you the required amount for: ...