
It’s a big decision to buy a home and to move! We’ve put together some posts to help you get started, and get comfortable. Please feel free to read through the articles we’ve posted and reach out if you have any questions at all. Here are some quick tips to get you started –

Make a Moving Checklist

You’ve found your dream house, now it’s time to move in and make it a Dream Home. Make the process as stress-free and organized as possible by starting early and keeping close tabs on the details. A simple search online for “moving checklist” will arm you with all the information you’ll need, and even advice on how to pack efficiently.

It’s Ok to Dream

When you are out there trying to find a house that is perfect for you and your family, it’s a good idea to prepare a list of all your needs, wants, and don’t-wants. Yes, an open mind is helpful when shopping for a house, but you don’t need to compromise on the things you truly care about. Prioritize your top 5 “must-have” qualities in a home, your top 5 “like to have” qualities, and you top 5 “we absolutely don’t want” qualities, and take the list with you when you go house shopping. You will be able to quickly eliminate homes that don’t fit your needs and wants, and also be able to spot the homes that deserve some greater attention.

Finances, Finances, Finances

When you are buying a home, you may be thinking “location, location, location” or “granite countertops”, but before you can start having fun shopping around, you have to do a little work to get yourself ready financially. Begin your home-buying process by cleaning up your credit report and credit score and you will be able to start off on a solid financial foundation.

Picture Yourself

Before you buy a home, you may do a lot of daydreaming about what life there will be like, relaxing by the pool or enjoying s’mores made in the wood-burning fireplace. But to know what it will really be like, you’ll have to picture yourself doing the everyday things. How is the commute? What sounds will you be falling asleep to at night? Can you picture yourself hosting Thanksgiving dinner in that size dining room? These are questions you’ll want to answer before you move in.

Tips for Packing Like a Pro

Develop a master “to do” list so you won’t forget something critical. Sort and get rid of things you no longer want or need. Have a garage sale, donate to a charity, or recycle. Don’t throw out everything. If your inclination is to just toss it, ask yourself...

What to Keep from Your Closing

The Real Estate Settlement Procedures Act (RESPA) statement. This form, sometimes called a HUD 1 statement, itemizes all the costs associated with the closing. You’ll need for income tax purposes and when you sell the home. The Truth in Lending Statement...

Common Closing Costs for Buyers

The lender must disclose a good faith estimate of all settlement costs. A check to cover your closing costs will probably have to be a cashier’s check. The title company or other entity conducting the closing will tell you the required amount for: ...

What Not to Overlook on a Final Walk-through

Be sure that:  repairs you’ve requested have been made. Obtain copies of paid bills and any related warranties all items that were included in the sale price—draperies, lighting fixtures—are still there. screens and storm windows are in place or...

Five Things to Understand about Homeowners Insurance

Look for exclusions to coverage. For example, most insurance policies do not cover flood or earthquake damage as a standard item. These coverages must be bought separately. Look for dollar limitations on claims. Even if you are covered for a risk, there may a...

Choices that Will Affect Your Loan

Mortgage term. Mortgages are generally available at 15-, 20-, or 30-year terms. The longer the term, the lower the monthly payment if the same amount is borrowed. However, you pay more interest overall if you borrow for a longer term. Fixed or adjustable interest...